This document describes an application profile, in this case ODALA Air & Water - Water (Application Profile). The application profile specifies a semantic data model covering a set of use cases. The specification consists of terms with their constraints (cardinalities, codelists, usage guidelines).
The application profile ODALA Air & Water - Water Quality specifies how to describe Water Quality Observations.
The profile builds on the application profile ODALA Air & Water - Core that explains how to describe Observations in general. That profile is based on ISO 19156 Observations and Measurements and on the W3C/OGC Semantic Sensor Network Ontology.
Four classes have been added to the Core profile specifically for Water Quality, each describing a certain type of Observation of the quality of water.
The WaterQualityParameter class describes physical parameters such as temperature, turbidity, etc.
The ChemicalAgentConcentration class allows to document the concentration of harmful or undesirable substances in the water.
The biological quality of the water can be described using the BioIndicatorObservation class which documents observations of living organisms acting as bioIndicator & the BioticIndexObservation class which aggregates into an index counts of organisms based on their pollution tolerance.
Water Quality Observations that do not belong to one of these classes have to be described as generic Observations with the Observation class.
Finally, the WaterFeature class provides the possibility to clearly indicate which Object is being observed or sampled (eg the channel Brussels-Charleroi) either as a WaterFeature typed by means of a value from a code list or by referring directly to the instance of the typed object.
A more formal definition of the terms used in this application profile can be found in the vocabulary ODALA Air & Water - Water vocabulary
Status of this document
This application profile has the status of published on 2021-10-01.
Information about the process and the decisions involved in the creation of this specification are consultable at the registry of standards.
This specification of Digitaal Vlaanderen is published under "Model license Free Reuse - v1.0".
An implementation is conformant with this application profile if it satisfies these rules.
This document describes the usage of the following entities for a correct usage of the Application Profile:
Any |
BioIndicatorObservation |
BioticIndexObservation |
ChemicalAgentConcentrationObservation |
DQ_Element |
Feature |
Measure |
Measurement |
Metadata |
Observation |
ObservationCollection |
ObservationProcedure |
Procedure |
Process |
PropertyType |
SamplingFeature |
Sensor |
System |
WaterFeature |
WaterQualityObservationCollection |
WaterQualityParameterObservation |
WeatherObserved |
This document describes the usage of the following datatypes for a correct usage of the Application Profile:
NamedValue |
Number |
QuantitativeValue |
ScopedName |
StandardUnit |
TM_Object |
- Description
- Represents instances of any type.
- Usage
- To be substituted by a suitable concrete class, datatype...
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Observation that assesses the biological Quality of Water based on the overall condition of indicator species.
- Usage
- These species, also called BioIndicators, are living organisms such as plants, planktons, animals, microbes More specifically, biochemical, physiological, behavioural or population changes are monitored.
- Subclass of
- Observation
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: bioIndicator, observedProperty.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Result | 1 | Result of the BioIndicatorObservation. | ||
BioIndicatorType | 1 | Type of the observedProperty. |
- Description
- Observation that assesses the biological Quality of Water on a certain scale based on what organisms are present in the Water and in what quantities.
- Usage
- In practice this comes down to counting specimens of certain species of macro-invertebrates like worms, snails, flies, clams etc present in the Water, weighted by the extent to which they tolerate Water pollution and combined into a single WaterqQuality score.
- Subclass of
- Observation, Measurement
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: bioticIndex, observedProperty.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Measure | 1 | Result of the BioticIndexObservation. | ||
BioticIndexType | 1 | Type of the observedProperty. |
- Description
- Observation to assess the chemical Quality of Water by estimating the concentration of a harmful or unsuitable substance.
- Usage
- Actually the Measurement of the amount of the substance in the Water, usually over some averaging period. Result is how much of the substance is found eg in milligrams-per-liter.
- Subclass of
- Observation, Measurement
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: chemicalAgentConcentration, observedProperty.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Measure | 1 | Result of the ChemicalAgentConcentrationObservation. | ||
ChemicalAgentType | 1 | Type of substance. |
- Description
- Abstract class of all possible tests to assess the quality of a dataset.
- Usage
- This means a test to assess Completeness, LogicalConsistency, PositionalAccuracy, ThematicAccuracy or TemporalAccuracy. For a more detailed description see ISO19115.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Features are abstractions of real-world phenomena.
- Usage
- An equivalent term is Object.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- A measured amount of a particular quantity, expressed in a paricular unit of measure.
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: measure.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
QuantitativeValue | 1 | The amount. |
- Description
- Observation of some quantifiable characteristic of an Object.
- Usage
- Eg the mass of a Rock. Result is of type Measure. For a more detailed description of this class see ISO 19156.
- Subclass of
- Observation
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Metadata is data that contains information about data.
- Usage
- For a more detailed description see the application profile ODALA Air & Water - Core.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- The determination of the value of a particular characteristic of an Object at a given time or between two times.
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: featureOfInterest, hasSimpleResult, hasUltimateFeatureOfInterest, madeBySensor, metadata, observedProperty, parameter, phenomenonTime, relatedObservation, result, resultQuality, resultTime, usedProcedure.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Feature | 1 | Object that is observed. | Can be the Feature itself or a proxy, viz a SamplingFeature. REMARK: Sometimes the actual FeatureOfInterest is only determined after observing the proxy. | |
Literal | 1 | The simple value of an Observation or Actuation. | ||
Feature | 1..* | Link to the ultimate feature of interest of an observation or act of sampling. This is useful when the proximate feature of interest is a sample of the ultimate feature of interest, directly or transitively. | ||
Sensor | 1 | Relation between an Observation and the Sensor which made the Observations. | ||
Metadata | 0..1 | Link to the metadata of the observation. | ||
PropertyType | 1 | Relation linking an Observation to the property that was observed. The ObservableProperty should be a property of the FeatureOfInterest (linked by hasFeatureOfInterest) of this Observation. | ||
NamedValue | 0..* | The parameter describes an arbitrary event-specific parameter. This might be an environmental parameter, an instrument setting or input, or an event-specific sampling parameter that is not tightly bound to either the feature of interest or to the observation procedure. | ||
TM_Object | 1 | Phenomenon time describes the time that the result applies to the property of the feature of interest. This is often the time of interaction by a sampling procedure or observation procedure with a real-world feature. | ||
Observation | 0..* | Observations of which the results are related in one way or another | ||
Any | 1 | Estimate of the value of a property determined through a known observation procedure | ||
DQ_Element | 0..* | The resultQuality describes the quality of the result. This instance-specific description complements the description of the observation procedure, which provides information concerning the quality of all observations using this procedure. Quality of a result may be assessed following the procedures in ISO 19114:2003. | ||
DateTime | 1 | The resultTime describes the time when the result became available, typically when the procedure associated wit hthe observation was completed. For some observations this is identical to the phenomenonTime. Howevere there are important cases where they differ. | ||
ObservationProcedure | 0..* | A relation to link to a re-usable Procedure used in making an Observation, an Actuation, or a Sample, typically through a Sensor, Actuator or Sampler. |
- Description
- A collection of one or more observations, whose members share a common value for one or more properties.
- Usage
- For a more detailed description see the application profile ODALA Air & Water - Core.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- A workflow, protocol, plan, algorithm, or computational method specifying how to make an Observation.
- Usage
- The procedure explains the steps to be carried out to arrive at reproducible results. It is reusable and might be involved in many Observations. For a more detailed description see the apllication profile ODALA Air & Water - Core.
- Subclass of
- Process, Procedure
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- An established or official way of doing something.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- A series of actions or steps leading to some result.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Characteristic common to a class of Objects.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Part of the Object that one wants to observe and that is representative for that Object.
- Usage
- This part can be physical (a Specimen) or spatial (a SpatialsamplingFeature). One observes a SamplingFeature instead of the actual Object if the latter cannot be observed as a whole (eg because exhaustive observation would be impractical). The SamplingFeature, together with the Process used for observation, forms the so-called observation protocol. ATTENTION: This class is abstract, it must be specialized in accordance with the application domain. For a more detailed description see the application profile ODALA Air & Water -Core.
- Subclass of
- Feature
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: relatedSamplingFeature, sampledFeature.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
SamplingFeature | 0..* | Reference to other SamplingFeatures with which the SamplingFeature is associated. | ||
WaterFeature | 1..* | References to the feature that one wants to sample. |
- Description
- Device, agent (including humans), or software (simulation) involved in, or implementing, a Procedure to make an Observation.
- Usage
- Sensors respond to a stimulus, eg a change in the environment, or Input data composed from the results of prior Observations, and generate a result. Sensors can be hosted by Platforms. Examples: accelerometers, gyroscopes, barameters, magnetometers etc, typically mounted on a smartphone (which acts as Platform). Other examples include the human eyes. For a more detailed description see the application profile ODALA Air & Water - Core.
- Subclass of
- Process, System
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: madeObservation.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Observation | 0..* | Relation between a Sensor and an Observation made by the Sensor. |
- Description
- System is a unit of abstraction for pieces of infrastructure that implement Procedures.
- Usage
- A System may have components, it's subsystems, which are other Systems. Examples of Systems are Sensors, Samplers For a more detailed description, see the application profile ODALA Air & Water - Core.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Real-world Object related to Water.
- Usage
- It is the featureOfInterest, the Object of which some property is observed to assess WaterQuality. This can be for example a waterbody like the Canal Brussels-Charleroi. The Waterfeature can be typed via the "type" attribute (value would be "waterbody-canal" for example), but substitution by a typed instance (eg an instance of type "Canal", subclass of a class "Waterbody") is also allowed. In either case, the observedProperty must be a phenomenon related to the WaterFeature type. If the WaterFeature is not observed directly, but rather indirectly by sampling it, the WaterFeature is the sampledObject and the sample assumes the role of featureOfInterest.
- Subclass of
- Feature
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: type.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
WaterFeaturetype | 0..1 | Type of WaterFeature. |
- Description
- A Collection of one or more WaterQualityObservations,whose members share a common value for one or more properties.
- Subclass of
- ObservationCollection
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: hasFeatureOfInterest, member, phenomenonTime, refWeatherObserved.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Feature | 1 | A reference to the Object that is observed bij the Observations in the Collection. | ||
Observation | 1..* | Reference to an Observation that belongs to the Collection. | ||
TM_Object | 1 | The moment when the result of the Observation in the Collection was applicable. | ||
WeatherObserved | 0..1 | A description of the weather conditions during the Observations in the Collection. |
- Description
- Observation to assess physical Quality of Water by measuring certain physical quantities.
- Usage
- These quantities are parameters like temperature, salinity, turbidity, suspended/disolved solids etc.
- Subclass of
- Observation, Measurement
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: observedProperty, waterQualityParameterResult.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
WaterQualityParameterType | 1 | Tyoe of the obserdedProperty. | ||
Measure | 1 | Result of the WaterQualityParameterObservation. |
- Description
- An Observation of weather conditions at a certain place or time.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Generic soft-typed value.
- Usage
- Essentially a value and the type of the value, given by a name. For example 21degrees temperature (value=21degrees, name=temperature). For a more detailed description of this class see ISO 19156.
- Properties
- There are no properties defined for this datatype.
- Description
- Indication of a quantity.
- Usage
- Actually the primitive datatypes with which a quantity can be indicated, see xsd datatypes like Float, Double, Decimal, Integer etc.
- Properties
- There are no properties defined for this datatype.
- Description
- Indication of the quantity of a particular characteristic of an Object.
- Usage
- For example, the height of an Object, the weight, the temperature etc. It applies to some property that can be expressed numerically and in a specific unit of measure. Qualitative indications of value like high, low etc. are therefore not included.
- Properties
- we have defined the following properties for this datatype: standardUnit, unit, value.
Property | Expects Type | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
StandardUnit | 0..1 | The standardized unit of measure in which the value is expressed. | ||
String | 0..1 | The unit of measure in which the value is expressed. | To be used if no standard unit of measure is known. | |
Number | 1 | Number by which the quantity of the property can be expressed. |
- Description
- Composition of the name of a Namespace and a LocalName in that Namespace.
- Properties
- There are no properties defined for this datatype.
- Description
- Unit of measure established by a standardizing Organisation.
- Usage
- Datatype can be a URI or a TypedString. In the first case, reference is made to units of measure published on the web, preferable those from qudt, eg for meter. In the case of a TypedString, preference is given to UCUM codes, eg "km/h"^^
- Properties
- There are no properties defined for this datatype.
- Description
- Abstract temporal class.
- Usage
- In practice, usually takes the form of temporal primitives like Moment or Period (resp represented by a Date/DateTime or two Dates/DateTimes, one for the beginning of the Period, one for the end of the Period). For a more detailed description of this class see ISO 19108.
- Properties
- There are no properties defined for this datatype.
JSON-LD context
(non-normative)A reusable JSON-LD context definition for this application profile is retrievable at: /doc/applicationprofile/AirAndWater/Water/kandidaatstandaard/2021-10-01/context/OSLO-airAndWater-Water-ap_en.jsonld
SHACL template
(non-normative)A reusable SHACL template for this application profile is retrievable at: /doc/applicationprofile/AirAndWater/Water/kandidaatstandaard/2021-10-01/shacl/OSLO-airAndWater-Water-ap_en-SHACL.ttl