This document describes an application profile, in this case ODALA Air & Water - Core (Application Profile). The application profile specifies a semantic data model covering a set of use cases. The specification consists of terms with their constraints (cardinalities, codelists, usage guidelines).
The ODALA Air & Water - Core application profile specifies how Observations should be described in general. It forms the basis for domain-specific application profiles such as ODALA Air & Water - Air Quality and ODALA Air & Water - Water Quality.
The profile is based on ISO 19156 Observations and Measurements and on the OGC/W3C Semantic Sensor Network Ontology.
From Observations and Measurements, the profile adopts the way an Observation should be described: as an activity performed at a particular time and with a particular Result. It is considered very important to clearly indicate which Object is being observed and which characteristic of that Object.
Objects are usually not directly observable, usually one observes a part that is considered representative of the whole. This can be a specific place, eg a measuring station (class SpatialSamplingFeature) or a physical sample taken from the Object (class Specimen), eg a water sample.
According to the nature of the Result of the Observation, different types of Observations are distinguished (Measurement, Count, Classification etc).
Often there is a need to describe not only the SamplingFeature itself but also the way in which it was created. For that reason, we adopted from the Semantic Sensor Ontology the way in which Sampling is described.
Sampling is considered as an activity just like Observation, ie an event performed at a specific time with a specific result. That result is the SamplingFeature.
The SamplingProcedure and Sampler classes additionally allow to describe how and with the help of which tools the SamplingFeature was obtained.
Similarly, the Semantic Sensor Ontology provides the ObservationProcedure and Sensor classes. The latter may be interpreted broadly as the tool with which the Observation is performed.
A Sensor is regarded as a specialization of a System and in this way acquires additional characteristics that allow to indicate what the accuracy or range of the Sensor is, for example.
A System such as a Sensor is mounted on a Platform or more narrowly defined: a Device (which itself is also a System). We use the SAREF Device Model to describe Devices.
The model also includes a class ObservationCollection to aggregate Observations by common attributes such as the observed Object or observation time. This class comes from an extension to the Semantic Sensor Ontology and we specialized it with Slice, a class from the W3C Data Cube Vocabulary.
Observations and Measurements also proposes the ISO 19115 Metadata class to further document Observations. We added a number of elements to this class from the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative such as author, description, etc.
Finally, the classes SamplingFeatureComplex and ObservationContext are worth mentioning, respectively a class for grouping SamplingFeatures (eg a measurement grid) and a class to describe associations between Observations (eg because one Observation relies on another).
A more formal definition of the terms used in this application profile can be found in the vocabulary ODALA Air & Water - Core vocabulary
Status of this document
This application profile has the status of published on 2021-10-01.
Information about the process and the decisions involved in the creation of this specification are consultable at the registry of standards.
This specification of Digitaal Vlaanderen is published under "Model license Free Reuse - v1.0".
An implementation is conformant with this application profile if it satisfies these rules.
This document describes the usage of the following entities for a correct usage of the Application Profile:
Accuracy |
Agent |
Any |
BatteryLifetime |
CategoryObservation |
ComplexObservation |
Condition |
CountObservation |
DetectionLimit |
Device |
DQ_Element |
Drift |
Feature |
Frequency |
Function |
GeometryObservation |
Latency |
LI_Lineage |
MaintenanceSchedule |
Measurement |
MeasurementRange |
Metadata |
Observation |
ObservationCollection |
ObservationContext |
ObservationProcedure |
OperatingPowerRange |
OperatingProperty |
OperatingRange |
Platform |
PointCoverageObservation |
Precision |
PreparationStep |
Procedure |
Process |
PropertyType |
Repeatability |
Resolution |
ResponseTime |
Sampler |
Sampling |
SamplingFeature |
SamplingFeatureComplex |
SamplingProcedure |
SamplingProcess |
Selectivity |
Sensitivity |
Sensor |
Slice |
SpatialSamplingFeature |
Specimen |
SurvivalProperty |
SurvivalRange |
System |
SystemCapability |
SystemLifetime |
SystemProperty |
Task |
TemporalObservation |
TimeSeriesObservation |
TruthObservation |
This document describes the usage of the following datatypes for a correct usage of the Application Profile:
CI_ResponsibleParty |
GenericName |
Geometry |
Identifier |
Location |
NamedValue |
TM_Object |
- Description
- The closeness of agreement between the Result of an Observation (resp. the command of an Actuation) and the true value of the observed ObservableProperty (resp. of the acted on ActuatableProperty) under the defined Conditions.
- Subclass of
- SystemProperty
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Someone or something that can act or has the power to act.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Represents instances of any type.
- Usage
- To be substituted by a suitable concrete class, datatype...
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Total useful life of a System's battery in the specified Conditions.
- Subclass of
- SurvivalProperty
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Observation of a class an Object belongs to.
- Usage
- Eg the taxon of a Plant. Result is a ScopedName. For a more detailed description of this class see ISO 19156.
- Subclass of
- Observation
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Observation of a characteristic of an Object that produces a structured result.
- Usage
- Eg the composition of a SoilSample. Result is a Record. For a more detailed description see ISO 19156.
- Subclass of
- Observation
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Used to specify ranges for qualities that act as Conditions on a Systems' capabilities, operation or survival. Eg if environmental characteristics like temperature, humidity are not met than proiper functioning of the System is not guaranteed.
- Usage
- For example, wind speed of 10-60m/s may be used as the Condition on a SystemProperty, for example, to state that a Sensor has a particular Accuracy under that Condition.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Observation of some countable characteristic of an Object.
- Usage
- Eg the number of votes in an Election. Result is of type Integer. For a more detailed description of this class see ISO 19156.
- Subclass of
- Observation
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- An observed value for which the probability of falsely claiming the absence of a component in a material is beta, given a probability alpha of falsely claiming its presence.
- Subclass of
- SystemProperty
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Function | 1..* | Function that the Device can perform to accomplish a Task. | ||
LangString | 0..1 | Name of the manufacturer of the Device. | ||
LangString | 0..1 | Name of the model of the Device. | ||
Task | 1..* | Task that the Device was designed to accomplish. |
- Description
- Abstract class of all possible tests to assess the quality of a dataset.
- Usage
- This means a test to assess Completeness, LogicalConsistency, PositionalAccuracy, ThematicAccuracy or TemporalAccuracy. For a more detailed description see ISO19115.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- A continuous or incremental change in the reported values of Observations over time for an unchanging Property under the defined Conditions.
- Subclass of
- SystemProperty
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Features are abstractions of real-world phenomena.
- Usage
- An equivalent term is Object.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- The smallest possible time between one Observation, Actuation, or Sampling and the next, under the defined Conditions.
- Subclass of
- SystemProperty
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- The functionality necessary to accomplish the Task for which a device is designed.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Observation of the form and/or location of an Object.
- Usage
- Eg the perimeter of a Plot. Result is of type Geometry. For a more detailed description of this class see ISO 19156.
- Subclass of
- Observation
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- The time between a command for an Observation (resp. Actuation) and the Sensor providing a Result (resp. the Actuator operating the Actuation), under the defined Conditions.
- Subclass of
- SystemProperty
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Information about the events or source data used in constructing the data specified by the scope or lack of knowledge about lineage. For a more detailed description of this class see ISO 19115.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Schedule of maintenance for a System in the specified Conditions.
- Subclass of
- OperatingProperty
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Observation of some quantifiable characteristic of an Object.
- Usage
- Eg the mass of a Rock. Result is of type Measure. For a more detailed description of this class see ISO 19156.
- Subclass of
- Observation
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- The set of values that the Sensor can return as the Result of an Observation under the defined Conditions with the defined system properties.
- Subclass of
- SystemProperty
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Metadata is data that contains information about data.
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: contributor, creator, description, identifier, publisher, rights, subject, title.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Agent | 0..1 | An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource. | The guidelines for using names of persons or organizations as creators also apply to contributors. Typically, the name of a Contributor should be used to indicate the entity. | |
Agent | 0..1 | An entity primarily responsible for making the resource. | Examples of a Creator include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Creator should be used to indicate the entity. | |
LangString | 0..1 | An account of the resource. | Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource. | |
Identifier | 0..1 | An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context. | Recommended practice is to identify the resource by means of a string conforming to an identification system. | |
Agent | 0..1 | An entity responsible for making the resource available. | Examples of a Publisher include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Publisher should be used to indicate the entity. | |
URI | 0..1 | Information about rights held in and over the resource. | Typically, rights information includes a statement about various property rights associated with the resource, including intellectual property rights. | |
LangString | 0..1 | The topic of the resource. | Typically, the subject will be represented using keywords, key phrases, or classification codes. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary. | |
LangString | 0..1 | A name given to the resource. |
- Description
- The determination of the value of a particular characteristic of an Object at a given time or between two times.
- Usage
- These are estimates of the value, in other words there is a certain margin of error on the value. Examples are temperature, classification, color. This is different from values that have been assigned and are therefore not estimates, such as name or price.
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: featureOfInterest, hasSimpleResult, hasUltimateFeatureOfInterest, madeBySensor, metadata, observedProperty, parameter, phenomenonTime, relatedObservation, result, resultQuality, resultTime, usedProcedure.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Feature | 1 | Object that is observed. | Can be the Feature itself or a proxy, viz a SamplingFeature. REMARK: Sometimes the actual FeatureOfInterest is only determined after observing the proxy. | |
Literal | 1 | The simple value of an Observation. | ||
Feature | 1..* | Link to the ultimate featureOfInterest of an Observation. This is useful when the proximate featureOfInterest is a Sample of the ultimateFeatureOfInterest, directly or transitively. | ||
Sensor | 1 | Relation between an Observation and the Sensor which made the Observations. | ||
Metadata | 0..1 | Link to the Metadata of the Observation. | ||
PropertyType | 1 | Characteristic that one observes of the featureOfInterest. | Sometimes the way in which the values of the property are obtained is indirect, ie one measures for practical reasons another property that is a proxy for the property one really wants to observe. And if that proxy is not a property of the featureOfInterest, then the Observation takes place on a proxy of the Object. For example, to find out the vegetation in an area, we measure the color reflection of the earth's surface. CONSTRAINT: The observedProperty must be an actual attribute of the observedObject. | |
NamedValue | 0..* | Any data related to the Observation as an activity. | This is not about properties of the featureOfInterest (these are already described by the observedProperty) or parameters associated with the observation process (like an instrument setting). This is rather about, for example, environmental parameters that can influence the result and are important for correctly interpreting the result. An example is the depth in a well at which the water quality was measured or the ambient temperature when humidity was measured. | |
TM_Object | 1 | The moment when the result of the Observation was applicable. | Typically the moment when observed or sampled. If the Observation is temporal and the moment at which something takes place is registered, then this is also the phenomenon time. | |
Observation | 0..* | Observations of which the results are related in one way or another | It is about a relation that is important to understand the result of an individual Observation, eg a biotic relation (animal A is a predator and is present because animal B occurs as prey). Such relationships require to be explicitly described (as opposed to relationships as the coincidence of results of Observations in space and time, which are allowed to remain implicit). Also useful for relationships where the output of Observation A is the input for Observation B. | |
Any | 1 | The value of the observedProperty as a result of the Observation. | The result can be of any type as any Property of any type of Object can be observed. CONSTRAINT: The type of the result of the Observation must match the observedProperty and the value obtained must be within the range of the observedProperty. | |
DQ_Element | 0..* | The extent to which the result of the Observation meets the requirements or expectatrions. | This concerns data that are specific to the Observation and complementary to the description of the procedure followed during the Observation (analysis method and aloke, see Process class), which in itself says something about the quality of the result. | |
DateTime | 1 | Time when the result of the Observation was obtained. | Is equal to the phenomenonTime for some Observations, but can also be different, eg when performing an analysis on a Specimen that was taken earlier (and usually elsewhere) or with Sensor measurements that were processed later. Also useful for separating repeated Observations eg on the same Specimen. If the result is a prediction, then the phenomonTime is the moment at which it should apply. | |
ObservationProcedure | 0..* | Reference to the Procedure by which the result of the Observation is obtained. |
- Description
- A collection of one or more observations, whose members share a common value for one or more properties.
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: hasFeatureOfInterest, hasMember, hasUltimateFeatureOfInterest, madeBySensor, metadata, observedProperty, parameter, phenomenonTime, resultTime, usedProcedure.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Feature | 0..1 | The Feature that the Observations in the collection have in common as featureOfInterest. | ||
Observation | 1..* | Observation that belongs to the collection. | ||
Feature | 0..1 | The Feature that the Observations in the collection have in common as ultimateFeatureOfInterest. | ||
Sensor | 0..1 | The Sensor by which the Observations in the collection were made. | ||
Metadata | 0..1 | Metadata that the members of the collection have in common. | ||
PropertyType | 0..1 | The property that was observed by the Observations in the collection. | ||
NamedValue | 0..1 | A parameter from the Observation that the Observations in the collection have in common. | ||
TM_Object | 0..1 | The phenomenonTime of the Observation that the Obser(vations in the collection have in common. | ||
DateTime | 0..1 | The resultTime of the Observation that the Observations in the collection have in common. | ||
ObservationProcedure | 0..1 | The usedProcedure of the Observations in the collection. |
- Description
- Additional properties of the association associatedObservation of the class Observation with itself.
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: Observation (source), Observation (target), role.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Observation (source)
Observation | 1 | Referentie naar verbonden klasse. | ||
Observation (target)
Observation | 1 | Referentie naar verbonden klasse. | ||
GenericName | 1 | Nature of the relationship between the two Observations. | Role that Observation A fulfills relative to Observation B, eg B processes the result of A or B is dependant on the result of A. |
- Description
- A workflow, protocol, plan, algorithm, or computational method specifying how to make an Observation.
- Usage
- The procedure explains the steps to be carried out to arrive at reproducible results. It is reusable and might be involved in many Observations.
- Subclass of
- Process, Procedure
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: implementedBy, specification, type.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Sensor | 0..* | Sensor that implements the Procedure in some executable way. | ||
URI | 0..* | Reference to the specification that describes the Procedure that was followed to make the Observation. | ||
ObservationProcedureType | 0..* | General type of the Procedure that was followed to make the Observation. |
- Description
- Power range in which System is expected to operate in the specified Conditions.
- Subclass of
- OperatingProperty
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- An identifiable characteristic that represents how a System operates.
- Usage
- For example, to the power requirements or maintenance schedule of a System.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- The normal OperatingProperties of a System under some specified Conditions.
- Usage
- For example, to the power requirements or maintenance schedule of a System under a specified temerature range.
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: hasOperatingProperty, inCondition.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
OperatingProperty | 1 | Property of the System that defines its OperatingRange. | ||
Condition | 1..* | Condition under which the OperatingProperty takes effect. |
- Description
- Observation about how some characteristic of an Object varies for different points in space.
- Usage
- Eg the temperature in different MeasuringStations. Result is of type DiscreetTimeInstantCoverage. For a more detailed description of this class see ISO 19156.
- Subclass of
- Observation
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- The closeness of agreement between replicate Observations on an unchanged or similar quality value: i.e., a measure of a Sensor's ability to consistently reproduce an Observation, under the defined Conditions.
- Subclass of
- SystemProperty
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Specimen preparation procedures applied to the material prior to its use in an observation.
- Subclass of
- Sampling
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: processOperator, SamplingProces, Specimen, time.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
CI_ResponsibleParty | 0..1 | Operator of the process involved in the PreparationStep. | ||
SamplingProcess | 1 | Referentie naar verbonden klasse. | ||
Specimen | 1 | Referentie naar verbonden klasse. | ||
TM_Object | 1 | The time that the PreparationStep was applied to the Specimen. | Supports ordering of preparation steps. |
- Description
- An established or official way of doing something.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- A series of actions or steps leading to some result.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Characteristic common to a class of Objects.
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: isObservedBy.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Sensor | 0..* | Relation between a PropertyType and the Sensor able to observe it. |
- Description
- Subclass of
- SystemProperty
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- The smallest difference in the value of a ObservableProperty being observed that would result in perceptably different values of Observation Results, under the defined Conditions.
- Subclass of
- SystemProperty
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- The time between a (step) change in the value of an observed ObservableProperty and a Sensor (possibly with specified error) 'settling' on an observed value, under the defined Conditions.
- Subclass of
- SystemProperty
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- A System that is used by, or implements, a SamplingProcedure to create or transform one or more Samples.
- Subclass of
- SamplingProcess, System
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: madeSampling.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Sampling | 0..* | Sampling act it performed with the Sampler. |
- Description
- An act that carries out a (Sampling)Procedure to create or transform one or more Samples.
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: hasFeatureOfInterest, hasResult, madeBySampler, resultTime, usedProcedure.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Feature | 1 | Object that is sampled. | ||
SamplingFeature | 1..* | The Sample as a result of the Sampling. | ||
Sampler | 1 | The Sampler with which the sample was obtained. | ||
DateTime | 1 | Time when the Sample was obtained. | ||
SamplingProcedure | 0..* | Reference to the Procedure by which the result of the Sampling is obtained. |
- Description
- Part of the Object that one wants to observe and that is representative for that Object.
- Usage
- This part can be physical (a Specimen) or spatial (a SpatialsamplingFeature). One observes a SamplingFeature instead of the actual Object if the latter cannot be observed as a whole (eg because exhaustive observation would be impractical). The SamplingFeature, together with the Process used for observation, forms the so-called observation protocol. ATTENTION: This class is abstract, it must be specialized in accordance with the application domain.
- Subclass of
- Feature
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: isResultOf, lineage, parameter, relatedSamplingFeature, sampledFeature.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Sampling | 1..* | Reference to the act of Sampling that produced the SamplingFeature. | ||
LI_Lineage | 0..1 | Reference to the Lineage of the SamplingFeature. | Describes the provenance and history of a SamplingFeature. Eg the handling of a Specimen or how a SpatialSamplingFeature was surveyed. | |
NamedValue | 0..* | Any data related to the SamplingFeature. | Eg something that describes a certain aspect of the Sampling (eg the altitude a areal photo was taken) or some important environmental parameter (eg the waterlevel a a borehole). | |
SamplingFeature | 0..* | Other SamplingFeature with which the SamplingObject is associated. | Eg SamplingPoints along a SamplingCurve or Samples taken a a SamplingPoint or subSamples (Samples of a Sample). | |
Feature | 1..* | Reference to the Object to be sampled. | Eg a profile samples a watercolumn or atmospheric column, a monitoring well samples the water in a aquifer, a tissue sample samples a part of an organism. |
- Description
- Relation between SamplingFeatures.
- Usage
- SamplingFeatures are often related to each other, as parts of complexes, through subsampling ore in other ways. Eg SamplingPoints located along a SamplingCurve, Specimens obtained from the same SamplingPoint, pixels that are part of a scene, stations that form an array.
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: role, SamplingFeature (source), SamplingFeature (target).
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
GenericName | 1 | Nature of the relationship. | ||
SamplingFeature (source)
SamplingFeature | 1 | Referentie naar verbonden klasse. | ||
SamplingFeature (target)
SamplingFeature | 1 | Referentie naar verbonden klasse. |
- Description
- A workflow, protocol, plan, algorithm, or computational method specifying how to make an Sample.
- Usage
- The procedure explains the steps to be carried out to arrive at reproducible results. It is reusable and might be involved in many Samplings.
- Subclass of
- SamplingProcess, Procedure
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: specification, type.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
URI | 0..* | Reference to the specification that describes the Procedure that was followed the create the Sample. | ||
SamplingProcedureType | 0..* | General type of the Procedure that was followed to create the Sample. |
- Description
- Way in which the result of the Sampling was obtained.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Selectivity is a Property of a Sensor whereby it provides observed values for one or more ObservableProperties such that the Result for each ObservableProperty are independent of other Properties in the FeatureOfInterest being investigated, under the defined Conditions.
- Subclass of
- SystemProperty
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Sensitivity is the quotient of the change in a Result of Observations and the corresponding change in a value of an ObservableProperty being observed, under the defined Conditions.
- Subclass of
- SystemProperty
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Device, agent (including humans), or software (simulation) involved in, or implementing, a Procedure to make an Observation.
- Usage
- Sensors respond to a stimulus, eg a change in the environment, or Input data composed from the results of prior Observations, and generate a result. Sensors can be hosted by Platforms. Examples: accelerometers, gyroscopes, barameters, magnetometers etc, typically mounted on a smartphone (which acts as Platform). Other examples include the human eyes.
- Subclass of
- Process, System
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: implements, madeObservation, observes.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
ObservationProcedure | 1 | ObservationProcedure that is implemented by the Sensor. | ||
Observation | 0..* | Observation made by the Sensor. | ||
PropertyType | 1..* | Type of Property that the Sensor is capable of sensing. |
- Description
- Denotes a subset of a DataSet defined by fixing all but one (or a small subset) of the dimensional values, component properties on the Slice.
- Usage
- Eg a Slice through a set of life expectancy figures could be a subset for gender=male which would allow eg to explore the regional variation of the life expectancy for this particular gender (and compare this variation with that of another Slice for gender=female). For a more detailed description of this class see the W3C Data Cube Ontology.
- Subclass of
- ObservationCollection
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Spatially defined part of the Object to be observed and representative for that Object
- Subclass of
- SamplingFeature
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: location, shape.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Location | 0..* | Location of the SpatialSamplingfeature. | Can be used in addition to the shape attribute to indicate the position indirectly eg by means of an Address, a GeographicalName, a Place... | |
Geometry | 1 | Description of the shape and location of the SpatialSamplingFeature. |
- Description
- A Specimen is a physical sample, obtained for observation(s) carried out ex situ, sometimes in a laboratory.
- Subclass of
- SamplingFeature
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: materialClass, processingDetails, samplingLocation, samplingMethod, samplingTime.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
GenericName | 1 | Basic classification of the material type of the specimen. | ||
SamplingProcess | 0..* | Details on how the specimen was processed. | ||
Geometry | 0..1 | Location from where the specimen was obtained. | ||
SamplingMethodType | 1 | Method used to obtain the specimen from its sampledFeature. | ||
TM_Object | 1 | Time when the specimen was retrieved from the sampledFeature. |
- Description
- An identifiable characteristic that represents the extent of the System's useful life.
- Usage
- May describe for example total battery life or number of recharges, or, for Sensors that are used only a fixed number of times, the number of Observations that can be made before the sensing capability is depleted.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Describes SurvivalProperties of a System under some specified Conditions.
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: hasSurvivalProperty, inCondition.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
SurvivalProperty | 1 | Property of the System that defines its survival. | ||
Condition | 1..* | Condition under which the SurvivalProperty takes effect. |
- Description
- System is a unit of abstraction for pieces of infrastructure that implement Procedures.
- Usage
- A System may have components, it's subsystems, which are other Systems. Examples of Systems are Sensors, Samplers
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: hasOperatingRange, hasSurvivalRange, hasSystemCapability, isHostedBy.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
OperatingRange | 0..* | OperatingRange of the System. | ||
SurvivalRange | 0..* | SurvivalRange of the System. | ||
SystemCapability | 0..* | Capability of the System. | ||
Platform | 0..* | Platform on which the System is mounted on or hosted by. |
- Description
- The normal SystemCapabilities of a System under some specified Conditions.
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: hasSystemProperty, inCondition.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
SystemProperty | 1 | Property of the System that defines its capability. | ||
Condition | 1..* | Condition under which the capability takes effect. |
- Description
- Total useful life of a System (expressed as total life since manufacture, time in use, number of operations, etc.) in the specified Conditions.
- Subclass of
- SurvivalProperty
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- An identifiable and observable characteristic that represents the System's ability to operate its primary purpose.
- Usage
- For example the Systems' Accuracy, Sensitivity, ResponseTime. The pimary purpose for a Sensor is to make Observations, for a Sampler to execute Sampling.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- The goal for which a Device is designed (from a user perspective).
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Observation of the timeframe in which an Object occurs.
- Usage
- Eg the duration of a Sprint. Result is of type TM_Object. For a more detailed description of this class see ISO 19156.
- Subclass of
- Observation
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Observation about how some characteristic of an Object varies for different points in time.
- Usage
- Eg the temperature in a MeasurementStation at different times during the day. Result is of type DiscreetTimeInstantCoverage. For a more detailed description of this class see ISO 19156.
- Subclass of
- Observation
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Observation if something is true or false about an Object.
- Usage
- Eg occurence of Fossiles. Result is of type Boolean. For a more detailed description of this class see ISO 19156.
- Subclass of
- Observation
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Identification in terms of communication with the person(s) and organization(s) related to data. For a more detailed description of this class see ISO 19115.
- Properties
- There are no properties defined for this datatype.
- Description
- Abstract class of all names in a Namespace.
- Usage
- Subtypes are LocalName and ScopedName. For a more detailed description of this class see ISO 19103.
- Properties
- There are no properties defined for this datatype.
- Description
- Information used to uniquely identify an object.
- Properties
- we have defined the following properties for this datatype: identifier.
Property | Expects Type | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Literal | 0..1 | String used to uniquely identify the object. | The string part of the literal is the actual identifier, the type part refers to the identification system and its version. |
- Description
- Indication of a geographical position, by means of coordinates, a toponym, referral to a place or region or an address.
- Usage
- To be used if the way geographical positions are described will only be determined upon implementation. If otherwise, direct use of datatypes like Geometry, GeographicalName, Address etc is recommended.
- Properties
- There are no properties defined for this datatype.
- Description
- Generic soft-typed value.
- Usage
- Essentially a value and the type of the value, given by a name. For example 21degrees temperature (value=21degrees, name=temperature). For a more detailed description of this class see ISO 19156.
- Properties
- There are no properties defined for this datatype.
- Description
- Abstract temporal class.
- Usage
- In practice, usually takes the form of temporal primitives like Moment or Period (resp represented by a Date/DateTime or two Dates/DateTimes, one for the beginning of the Period, one for the end of the Period). For a more detailed description of this class see ISO 19108.
- Properties
- There are no properties defined for this datatype.
JSON-LD context
(non-normative)A reusable JSON-LD context definition for this application profile is retrievable at: /doc/applicationprofile/AirAndWater/Core/kandidaatstandaard/2021-10-01/context/OSLO-airAndWater-Core-ap_en.jsonld
SHACL template
(non-normative)A reusable SHACL template for this application profile is retrievable at: /doc/applicationprofile/AirAndWater/Core/kandidaatstandaard/2021-10-01/shacl/OSLO-airAndWater-Core-ap_en-SHACL.ttl