
This document describes a vocabulary; in this case PassengerTransportHubs (vocabulary). A vocabulary is a collection of reusable terms, more precisely classes and properties, of which their semantics is fixed by means of a label and a definition. For terms defined in this domain additional formal agreements may be defined. The formal agreements for external terms, reused in this domain, are adopted from that external source.


The vocabulary OSLO-PassengerTransportHubs defines terms used to exchange data concerning Transport Hubs for passengers.

Status of this document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of publication. It is possible that meanwhile newer versions have been already released.

A list of the most recent vocabularia can be found on http://data.vlaanderen.be/ns

This document is an official specification of a vocabulary and provides a partial conceptual framework for certain concepts. This specification is used to specify the definition, usage, domain and range of the RDF terms within this domain. The terms defined in this vocabulary are persistent and will as result of this never disappear, neither will the definitions change except to further clarify. Terms can over time be marked as deprecated and be replaced in newer versions of this specification.

1. License

This specification of Informatie Vlaanderen is published under the license: "Model license Free Reuse - v1.0".

2. Conformance

An exchange of data, in whatever way the data exchange happens, is compliant with this vocabulary if the terminology (classes and properties) is used in such a way that it is consistent with the semantics defined in the latest version of the specification ( domain, range, definition and usage) and when no terminology out of other vocabulary is used as alternative for terminology that is defined in this vocabularium.

4. Classes

This section gives a formal definition of every class.

Class DataExchangeInfrastructure

Type Class
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#DataExchangeInfrastructure
Specialisation of
  • https://data.vlaanderen.be/ns/openbaardomein/infrastructuur#Infrastructuurelement
Definition Physical facilities aimed at exchanging data.


E.g. servers, cables, modems.

Class HoppinColumn

Type Class
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#HoppinColumn
Specialisation of
  • https://data.vlaanderen.be/doc/applicatieprofiel/infrastructuurelementen/#Infozuil
Definition Information column of a Hoppinpoint.


Intended to indicate that a Transport hub is a Hoppin point and/or to inform about the transport possibilities offered there. More info can be found in the implementation model: https://wegenenverkeer.data.vlaanderen.be/doc/implementatiemodel/hoppinpunten/

Class Hoppinpoint

Type Class
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#Hoppinpoint
Specialisation of
  • https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#RegisteredTransportHub
Definition Transport hub of the mobility brand Hoppin.


Hoppin is the name under which the Flemish government indicates transport hubs for passenger transport that meet fixed (quality) requirements. Important aspects are recognisability (application of the Hoppin house style), accessibility (for all users irrespective of disability, age, etc.), minimum equipment (e.g. bicycle sheds, information supports, etc.), alignment with mobility plans, etc.

Class InformationCarrier

Type Class
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#InformationCarrier
Specialisation of
  • https://data.vlaanderen.be/ns/openbaardomein/infrastructuur#Infrastructuurelement
Definition Panel or board or similar infrastructure on which information is displayed.


Intended as a means of communication, usually used in public spaces to inform passers-by. Both static carriers such as information boards with a city map and dynamic systems with e.g. public transport departure times are possible.

Class RegisteredPassengerTransportHub

Type Class
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#RegisteredTransportHub
Specialisation of
  • https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#TransportHub
Definition Passenger Transport Hub recognised as such.


This recognition implies that a Transport Node is formally designated as a Transport Node. Typically, this is done by the government to give the node an official character (recognisable for the user, meets imposed quality requirements...).

Class ResourceReport

Type Class
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#ResourceReport
Definition A summary of resources connected to mobility services based on defined filters by the person requesting the report.


E.g. The number of available bikes at the trainstation.

Class TransportHub

Type Class
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#TransportHub
Definition Place where passengers and/or freight are exchanged between vehicles and/or modes of transport.


Examples for passenger transport are train stations, underground stations, bus stations, airports, ferry terminals, car parks... For freight transport it concerns typically airports, seaports, transhipment terminals. Transport nodes are typically intermodal, e.g. travellers combine the (shared) bicycle with the train for their trip, but intramodal transfers (e.g. from one bus line to another) are also important. Concretely, a Transport interchange includes infrastructure (stations, car parks, charging infrastructure... ), (mobility) services (public transport lines, shared bicycles, shops... ) and nodes in transport networks (public transport stops, car sharing points... ).

Class TransportRegion

Type Class
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#TransportRegion
Specialisation of
  • http://purl.org/dc/terms/Location
Definition Clusters of municipalities in which mobility is coordinated.

Class VirtualNode

Type Class
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#VirtualNode
Specialisation of
  • https://data.vlaanderen.be/ns/transportnetwerk#Transportknoop
Definition Transport node that is dynamically created.


The place where a Trip is started usually does not coincide with an existing Transport node, for example it is the home of the Traveller located between two intersections. To still enter the network to start his Trip, the Traveller creates a Virtual Node on the link between these intersections. Virtual Nodes are important for a correct estimation of the travel time e.g. for route planning because the distance between the Virtual Node and the next real Transport Node must be added. Also important for example in free-floating partial transport where the position of the partial step does not necessarily coincide with that of an existing Transport Node.

5. Properties

This section provides a formal definition for every property.

Property accessibility

Type Property
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#accessibility
Domain https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#TransportHub
Range https://data.vlaanderen.be/ns/mobiliteit/trips-en-aanbod#Accessibility
Definition The accessibility of the Passenger Transport Hub.

Property actuator

Type Property
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#actuator
Domain https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#ResourceReport
Range http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept
Definition Engine of the means of transport.

Property brand

Type Property
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#brand
Domain https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#TransportHub
Range http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept
Definition The brand of the Passenger Transport Hub.
Usage Example: Hoppinpoint, Mobipoint,...

Property classification

Type Property
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#TransportHub.classification
Domain https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#TransportHub
Range http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept
Definition The classification of the Passenger Transport Hub.

Property classification

Type Property
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#Hoppinpoint.classification
Domain https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#Hoppinpoint
Range http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept
Definition The classification of the Hoppinpoint

Property location

Type Property
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#location
Domain https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#TransportHub
Range http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#Location
Definition The location of the Passenger Transport Hub.

Property location

Type Property
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#location
Domain https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#ResourceReport
Range http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#Location
Definition Location of the Resource.
Usage This could be the real-time location of the vehicle, e.g. in free-floating part transport.

Property meansOfTransport

Type Property
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#Mobiliteitsdienst.vervoermiddel
Domain https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#ResourceReport
Range http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept
Definition The type of means of transport of the Resource.
Usage Especially relevant if the resource is a vehicle.

Property number

Type Property
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#number
Domain https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#ResourceReport
Range http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer
Definition The number of resources

Property roadAuthority

Type Property
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#roadAuthority
Domain https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#TransportHub
Range http://purl.org/dc/terms/Agent
Definition The road authority of the Passenger Transport Hub.

Property service

Type Property
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#service
Domain https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#ResourceReport
Range https://data.vlaanderen.be/ns/mobiliteit/trips-en-aanbod#MobilityService
Definition The MobilityService used within the ResourceReport

Property specification

Type Property
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#specification
Domain https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#RegisteredTransportHub
Range http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Document
Definition The specification of the registered Passenger Transport Hub.

Property status

Type Property
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#status
Domain https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#ResourceReport
Range http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept
Definition State of a Resource.
Usage E.g. reserved, inactive, available. Determines whether a resource can be used.

Property status

Type Property
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#TransportHub.status
Domain https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#TransportHub
Range http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept
Definition The status of the Passenger Transport Hub.

Property status

Type Property
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#Hoppinpoint.status
Domain https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#Hoppinpoint
Range http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept
Definition The status of the Hoppinpoint

Property vehicletype

Type Property
URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#vehicleType
Domain http://schema.mobivoc.org/#Capacity
Range http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept
Definition Displays the vehicle types to which the capacity is linked.

6. External terminology

This section gives an overview of terminology from other vocabularia that are relevant for this domain model together with their English label and definitions.


URI http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept
Gebruik E.g. sanitary facilities, cash dispenser, package dispenser, rubbish collection point, charging point...


URI http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept
Gebruik E.g. Hoppinpoint, Mobipoint


URI http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept
Gebruik E.g. fast charger


URI https://wegenenverkeer.data.vlaanderen.be/ns/abstracten#Hoppinzuil.zuilnaam


URI https://wegenenverkeer.data.vlaanderen.be/ns/abstracten#Hoppinzuil.zuilnummer


URI https://wegenenverkeer.data.vlaanderen.be/ns/abstracten#Hoppinzuil.weergegevenVervoersmodiOpKaart


URI http://www.w3.org/ns/locn#geometry


URI http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept
Gebruik E.g. Planned, in progress, operationally active, operationally inactive


URI http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept


URI http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept
Gebruik E.g.: analogue, digital


URI http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept


URI http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label


URI http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept


URI http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept
Gebruik E.g. Kiss and Ride


URI http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept
Gebruik E.g. Parking space for disabled persons


URI http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept


URI http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept


URI http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept


URI http://www.w3.org/ns/adms#identifier


URI https://purl.eu/ns/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs#service


URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/title


URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/title


URI http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept
Gebruik https://wegenenverkeer.data.vlaanderen.be/ns/abstracten#Hoppinzuil.weergegevenVervoersmodiOpKaart


URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/type
Gebruik E.g. ticketing, waiting facilities, sanitary facilities, AED...


URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/type