
This document describes a vocabulary; in this case Consent (Vocabulary). A vocabulary is a collection of reusable terms, more precisely classes and properties, of which their semantics is fixed by means of a label and a definition. For terms defined in this domain additional formal agreements may be defined. The formal agreements for external terms, reused in this domain, are adopted from that external source.


The vocabulary defines the entities and properties which are being used to give consent to exchange and handle personal data. This vocabulary is linked to the similarly named applicationprofile.

Link to the Consent application profile: https://purl.eu/doc/applicationprofile/consent

Status of this document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of publication. It is possible that meanwhile newer versions have been already released.

A list of the most recent vocabularia can be found on http://data.vlaanderen.be/ns

This document is an official specification of a vocabulary and provides a partial conceptual framework for certain concepts. This specification is used to specify the definition, usage, domain and range of the RDF terms within this domain. The terms defined in this vocabulary are persistent and will as result of this never disappear, neither will the definitions change except to further clarify. Terms can over time be marked as deprecated and be replaced in newer versions of this specification.

1. License

This specification of Informatie Vlaanderen is published under the license: "Model license Free Reuse - v1.0".

2. Conformance

An exchange of data, in whatever way the data exchange happens, is compliant with this vocabulary if the terminology (classes and properties) is used in such a way that it is consistent with the semantics defined in the latest version of the specification ( domain, range, definition and usage) and when no terminology out of other vocabulary is used as alternative for terminology that is defined in this vocabularium.

3. Overview

This section lists all classes and properties of the vocabularium.

Explore the vocabularium


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4. Classes

This section gives a formal definition of every class.

5. Properties

This section provides a formal definition for every property.


Type Property
URI https://purl.eu/ns/consent#liveData
Domain https://w3id.org/dpv/dpv-owl#PersonalData
Range http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept

6. External terminology

This section gives an overview of terminology from other vocabularia that are relevant for this domain model together with their English label and definitions.