This document describes an application profile, in this case PassengerTransportHubs (application profile). The application profile specifies a semantic data model covering a set of use cases. The specification consists of terms with their constraints (cardinalities, codelists, usage guidelines).
The application profile OSLO-PassengerTransportHubs demonstrates how terms from the related vocabulary should be used to exchange data on Transport Hubs for passengers.
Due to the variety of transport offers and the corresponding transfer possibilities, transport hubs, where travelers can switch between transport modes, play an important role in achieving basic accessibility.
The model consists of two parts. The first part provides a general definition of a Transport Hub and describes its components, with particular attention to passenger transport. The second part focuses on the Traveler using Transport Hubs for his Journey or Route.
Below we focus on part one, for more info on part two we refer to the application profile OSLO Mobility: Trips and Offerings.
Transport Hubs consist of 1) Infrastructure Elements, 2) Transport Networks, 3) Mobility Services, and 4) Additional Services.
The class TransportHub is further specialized to Hoppinppoint, which is the Flemish version of a Transport Hub.
InfrastructureElements represent the physical aspect of a Transport Hub, it concerns objects such as Information columns (like the Hoppin column), Stopplaces, Parkings, Bicycle racks, Chargers etc. All of which are necessary for the available Transport networks and the services offered at the Transport Hubs. The Infrastructure Elements and their specializations are discribed in the vocabularies OSLO Public Domain - InfrastructureElements, OSLO Mobility - Timetables and Planning - Stopplaces and out of Open Mobility Vocabulary.
The Transport Networks available at a Transport Hub are accessible via Transport Objects such as Transport Nodes (stops, stations... ) and Transport Connections between those nodes. Also Virtual Nodes (points located on a link between two Transport Nodes, e.g. the position of an unused shared step within a city or at the address of a Traveler) may be used. The class Transport Object and its subclasses are reused from the vocabulary of OSLO Transportnetwork.
Mobility Services are available for consumption at the Transport Hub via the Infrastructure Elements and Transport Objects that are present. These can be scheduled services or shared steps, but just as well parking spaces or bicycle pumps. A Mobility Service can include other Mobility Services to describe services at different granularity levels (at a high level, the service "shared mobility in Flanders" and at a lower level, the services "shared cars in Antwerp" and "shared bikes in Ghent"). The Mobility Service and related classes come from the vocabulary OSLO-Mobility: Trips and Offerings. A class ResourceReport was added to report e.g. on the number of shared bikes available at a certain location (e.g. a bike sharing dock).
Also at a Transport Hub, we also usually find all kinds of Additional Services, including services that save the Traveler additional trips such as mailboxes, bakeries, newpaper stores, etc.
Enumerations are basically described outside the application profile, hence the enumeration values shown in the diagram are illustrative.
Status of this document
This application profile has the status of published on 2022-07-11.
Information about the process and the decisions involved in the creation of this specification are consultable at the registry of standards.
This specification of Digitaal Vlaanderen is published under "Model license Free Reuse - v1.0".
An implementation is conformant with this application profile if it satisfies these rules.
This document describes the usage of the following entities for a correct usage of the Application Profile:
AdditionalService |
Agent |
AutomatedParkingGarage |
BicycleParking |
BicycleParkingStation |
BusShelter |
Charger |
CivicStructure |
DataExchangeInfrastructure |
Element |
Executor |
FormalFramework |
HoppinColumn |
Hoppinpoint |
InformationCarrier |
InformationColumn |
InfrastructureElement |
License |
Location |
MobilityService |
Network |
NetworkElement |
Node |
ParkingFacility |
ParkingGarage |
ParkingLot |
ParkingSpace |
PriceSpecification |
Provider |
PublicOrganisation |
Quay |
RegisteredTransportHub |
Resource |
ResourceReport |
Route |
RouteNode |
RoutePlanner |
RouteSegment |
Service |
Site |
StopPlace |
StopPost |
StreetFurniture |
Transfer |
TransportConnection |
TransportHub |
TransportNetwork |
TransportNode |
TransportObject |
TransportRegion |
Traveler |
Trip |
UndergroundParking |
VirtualNode |
This document describes the usage of the following datatypes for a correct usage of the Application Profile:
Accessibility |
AddressRepresentation |
Availability |
Capacity |
ContactInformation |
DirectedLink |
GeographicalName |
Geometry |
Identifier |
LanguageString |
Location |
MonetaryAmount |
OpeningHours |
Period |
Point |
Polygon |
RouteDescription |
Timetable |
- Description
- Service that complements or supports other Services.
- Usage
- E.g. Newspaper shop, Postal service or Restaurant in a Station. Services that are supplemented or supported by this are e.g. Mobility Services.
- Subclass of
- Service
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: accessibility, availability, availableAtInfrastructureElement, availableOnTransportObject, provider, title, transportHub, type.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Accessibility | 0..* | Accessibility of the additional service. | E.g. whether the Mobility Service is accessible to persons with disabilities. | |
Provider | 0..* | Availability of the additional service. | E.g. timetable or opening hours. | |
InfrastructureElement | 0..* | Infrastructure element on which the additional service is offered. | ||
TransportObject | 0..* | Transport object on which the additional service is offered. | ||
Provider | 1 | The provider of the additional service. | ||
LanguageString | 1 | Name of the additional service. | ||
TransportHub | 0..* | The Passenger Transport Hub at which the additional service is offered. | ||
AdditionalServiceType | 1..* | Nature of the additional service. | E.g. ticketing, waiting facilities, sanitary facilities, AED... |
- Description
- Someone or something who can act or produce an effect.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Parking garage with an automated parking system that automatically parks vehicles in an available space.
- Subclass of
- ParkingFacility
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- A bicycle parking facility is the aggregate of poles and/or anchorage points of a structure intended for securing bicycles, located in the public domain.
- Usage
- To GRB skeleton addition detail - WPI16: Bicycle storage. With the attribute covered as True: GRB base - WGA3: Covered bicycle shed.
- Subclass of
- InfrastructureElement, BicycleParkingStation
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Building or structure used for parking bicycles.
- Subclass of
- ParkingFacility
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- As a rule, a bus shelter provides accommodation for public transport passengers.
- Usage
- To GRB base - WGA1: Bus shelter
- Subclass of
- InfrastructureElement
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- An object that provides electrical energy for charging electric vehicles.
- Subclass of
- InfrastructureElement, CivicStructure
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: meansOfTransport, plug, plugType.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
MeansOfTransport | 0..* | Means of transport that is electrically powered. | ||
Plug | 1..* | Part of the charger used to form the connection with the electric vehicles. | ||
PlugType | 0..* | The type of charger. |
- Description
- A civic structure, such as a town hall or a concert hall
- Usage
- A full description can be found in
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Physical facilities aimed at exchanging data.
- Usage
- E.g. servers, cables, modems.
- Subclass of
- InfrastructureElement
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Separately identifiable element that is either directly or indirectly attached to the surface of the earth.
- Usage
- A full description can be found in OSLO Public Domain
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Agent performing mobility service.
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: contactInformation, preferredLabel, registration.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
ContactInformation | 0..* | Information such as e-mail, telephone... which allows the executor to be contacted. | ||
LanguageString | 1 | Name by which the performer is preferably identified. | ||
Identifier | 1 | The registration of the executor. | In the CBE, this is the enterprise number. |
- Description
- Set of formal documents describing rules, rights, obligations towards citizens, authorities, companies, etc.
- Usage
- The documents in question are laws, policies, regulations, contracts, etc.
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: description, territorialApplication, title.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
LanguageString | 0..1 | Description of the formal framework. | ||
Location | 0..* | The geographical scope of the formal framework. | In other words, whether it is European, national or local. | |
LanguageString | 1 | Name of the formal framework. |
- Description
- Information column of a Hoppinpoint.
- Usage
- Intended to indicate that a Transport hub is a Hoppin point and/or to inform about the transport possibilities offered there. More info can be found in the implementation model:
- Subclass of
- InformationColumn
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: columnName, columnNumber, displayedTransportationModeOnMap.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
String | 1 | Name of the hoppinpoint that refers to a clear and recognisable place name. | ||
String | 1 | Unique identification number given to each column and included in the Passenger Transport Hub database. | ||
TransportModeOnMap | 0..* | The different modes of transport available are shown on the corresponding map. |
- Description
- Transport hub of the mobility brand Hoppin.
- Usage
- Hoppin is the name under which the Flemish government indicates transport hubs for passenger transport that meet fixed (quality) requirements. Important aspects are recognisability (application of the Hoppin house style), accessibility (for all users irrespective of disability, age, etc.), minimum equipment (e.g. bicycle sheds, information supports, etc.), alignment with mobility plans, etc.
- Subclass of
- RegisteredTransportHub
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: classification, status.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
HoppinpointType | 0..1 | The classification of the Hoppinpoint | ||
HoppinpointStatus | 0..1 | The status of the Hoppinpoint |
- Description
- Panel or board or similar infrastructure on which information is displayed.
- Usage
- Intended as a means of communication, usually used in public spaces to inform passers-by. Both static carriers such as information boards with a city map and dynamic systems with e.g. public transport departure times are possible.
- Subclass of
- InfrastructureElement
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- ( Pole-mounted and permanently anchored) signs along the public highway with all kinds of announcements, commercial or otherwise, to be posted on them.
- Usage
- Mainly for the purpose of disseminating information (street plan, info board municipality ...).
- Subclass of
- InformationCarrier, StreetFurniture
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: type.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
InformationColumnType | 0..1 | Type of information column |
- Description
- Individual object on the Public Domain that is not vegetative.
- Subclass of
- Element
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: accessibility, geometry, identifier, type, validityPeriod.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Accessibility | 0..* | The overall accessibility characteristics of the infrastructure element. | ||
Geometry | 1 | The geometry corresponding to the infrastructure element. | ||
Identifier | 1 | The identifier of the infrastructure element. | ||
InfrastructureElementType | 0..* | The type of infrastructure element. | ||
Period | 1 | The period during which the current version of the infrastructure element is in use. |
- Description
- Formal authorisation to offer a Mobility Service.
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: period, territorialApplication, transportAuthority.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Period | 1 | Period for which the Licence is valid. | ||
Location | 1..* | Area or Place in which the Licence is valid. | ||
PublicOrganisation | 1 | Public organisation responsible for traffic management or the planning, control or management of a particular transport network or mode of transport, or both, that falls under its territorial competence. |
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Geometry | 0..1 | Geometry of the place or area. | ||
GeographicalName | 0..1 | Name of the town or area. |
- Description
- Service that enables movement of Persons between Locations.
- Usage
- This includes classical mobility services such as public transport (typically offered as a scheduled service, e.g. Metro Line 5 in Brussels), but also partial transport such as free-floating partial steps (e.g. partial steps in large cities).
- Subclass of
- Service
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: accessibility, availability, availableAt, availableAtInfrastructureElement, includes, license, meansOfTransport, offeredWithin, performedBy, priceSpecification, propulsion, provider, resource, spatialCoverage, title, transportHub, type.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Accessibility | 0..* | Accessibility of the Mobility Service. | E.g. whether the Mobility Service is accessible to persons with disabilities. | |
Availability | 0..* | Availability of the Mobility Service. | E.g. timetable or opening hours. | |
TransportObject | 0..* | Transport object on which the Mobility Service is offered. | E.g. P+R is offered in station parking, shared bicycle + train in combination point. | |
InfrastructureElement | 0..* | Infrastructure element on which the Mobility Service is available | E.g. public transport such as buses are offered at a bus stop. | |
MobilityService | 0..* | More specific Mobility Services that make up the Mobility Service. | For example, public transport in Brussels offered by STIB consists of a number of metro lines, e.g. line 5 Erasmus-Herman-Debroux, or a MAAS provider integrates several services, e.g. public transport and shared transport. | |
License | 0..* | License under which the Mobility Service is offered. | ||
MeansOfTransport | 0..* | Means of transport by which or for which the Mobility Service is usually organised. | E.g. metro, tram, bus for STIB. E.g. car, bicycle for parking Coovi. | |
FormalFramework | 0..* | Formal Framework within which the Mobility Service is offered. | E.g. Decree listing the criteria for authorising a Mobility Service. | |
Executor | 1..* | Executor of the Mobility Service. | May differ from the Provider. | |
PriceSpecification | 0..* | Price plan of the Mobility Service. | ||
PropulsionType | 0..* | Propulsion of the means of transport with or for which the Mobility Service is usually organised. | Link | |
Provider | 1 | The Mobility Service provider. | ||
Resource | 0..* | Resource available to the Mobility Service. | ||
Location | 0..* | Area or Place within which the Mobility Service is offered. | E.g. Brussels Region, Antwerp... | |
LanguageString | 1 | Name of the Mobility Service. | ||
TransportHub | 0..* | The transport hub to which the Mobility Service is linked. | ||
MobilityServiceType | 1..* | Nature of the Mobility Service. | E.g. public transport, parking etc. Combinations are possible, e.g. collective transport & public transport (e.g. SNCB), individual transport & private transport (taxis)Â… |
- Description
- Collection of Network elements.
- Usage
- The reason why the Network elements are brought together in a Network can differ, e.g. because they are suitable for a certain type of transport. A full description can be found in OSLO Network.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Element in a Network that performs a function of importance within it.
- Usage
- A full description can be found in OSLO Network.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Significant position in the Network that always coincides with the beginning or the end of a Link.
- Usage
- A full description can be found in OSLO Network.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- A facility used for parking vehicles.
- Subclass of
- InfrastructureElement, CivicStructure
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: capacity, entrance, exit, feature, openingHours, parkingSpace.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Capacity | 0..* | The capacity of the parking facility. | ||
Entrance | 0..* | The entrance of the parking facility. | ||
Exit | 0..* | The exit of the parking facility. | ||
ParkingFacilityFeatureType | 1 | The features of the parking facility. | E.g. kiss-and-ride zone, loading and unloading zone | |
TypedString | 0..1 | The opening hours of the parking facility. | ||
ParkingSpace | 0..* | The parking space of the parking facility. |
- Description
- A building intended for parking vehicles.
- Subclass of
- ParkingFacility
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- A parking area located in the open air.
- Subclass of
- ParkingFacility
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
ParkingSpaceFeatureType | 0..* | The features of the car park | E.g. parking for people with disabilities |
- Description
- Price of the Trips that can be made with the Mobility Service.
- Usage
- Allows to find out how much a specific Journey will cost, taking into account e.g. the distance travelled or how long the Mobility Service is used. Including any discounts for target groups e.g. discount for children under 12 years.
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: description, title.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
LanguageString | 0..1 | Description of the Price specification. | ||
LanguageString | 1 | Name of the Price specfication |
- Description
- Registered Organisation providing Mobility Services.
- Usage
- By a registered organisation, we mean an organisation with a legal status (established through registration), e.g. LC, NPO...
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: contactInformation, preferredLabel, registration.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
ContactInformation | 0..* | Information such as email, telephone... which allows the Organisation to be contacted. | ||
LanguageString | 1 | Name preferred by the Organisation. | ||
Identifier | 1 | Identifier obtained by the organisation upon registration. | In the CBE, this is the enterprise number. |
- Description
- An organisation that, according to a legal framework, belongs to the public sector, regardless of the level of government at which that framework applies.
- Usage
- The public and semi-public organisations that may be considered as belonging to the public sector are referred to in European Directive 2003/98/EC as "public sector bodies" and defined as: "the State, regional or local authorities, bodies governed by public law, associations formed by one or several of such authorities or one or several of such bodies governed by public law". And a body governed by public law is defined as "any body (a) established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character, and (b) having legal personality, and (c) financed, for the most part, by the State, or regional or local authorities, or other bodies governed by public law; or subject to management supervision by those bodies; or having an administrative, managerial or supervisory board, more than half of whose members are appointed by the State, regional or local authorities or by other bodies governed by public law".
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: spatialCoverage.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Location | 0..* | Administrative area covering the Public Organisation. |
- Description
- A place such as a platform, bus stop, stand or train platform where passengers can access public transport vehicles, taxis, cars or other means of transport.
- Subclass of
- InfrastructureElement
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: publicCode, quay, stopPlace.
- Description
- Passenger Transport Hub recognised as such.
- Usage
- This recognition implies that a Registered Transport Hub is formally designated as a Transport Hub. Typically, this is done by the government to give the hub an official character (recognisable for the user, meets imposed quality requirements...).
- Subclass of
- TransportHub
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: registration, specification.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Identifier | 1 | The registration of the registered Passenger Transport Hub. | ||
Document | 0..1 | The specification of the registered Passenger Transport Hub. |
- Description
- Means that the Mobility Service can offer to the Traveller to make the trip.
- Usage
- E.g. a seat on a train, a shared bicycle at a station, a parking space in a car park.
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: identifier, location, meansOfTransport, propulsion, status, type.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
TypedString | 0..1 | Identifier of the Resource. | E.g. number plate of the hire car, number of the seat... | |
Location | 0..1 | Location of the Resource. | This could be the real-time location of the vehicle, e.g. in free-floating part transport. | |
MeansOfTransport | 0..* | The type of means of transport of the Resource. | Especially relevant if the resource is a vehicle. | |
PropulsionType | 0..* | Engine of the means of transport. | Link | |
ResourceStatus | 0..1 | State of a Resource. | E.g. reserved, inactive, available. Determines whether a resource can be used. | Link |
ResourceType | 1 | Nature of the Resource. |
- Description
- Report of how many Resources with similar characteristics of availability, type, service, location etc are present at a certain point in time.
- Usage
- E.g. The number of available bikes in a particular train station.
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: location, meansOfTransport, number, propulsion, reportTime, service, status, type.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Location | 0..* | Location of the Resource. | This could be the real-time location of the vehicle, e.g. in free-floating part transport. | |
MeansOfTransport | 0..* | The type of means of transport of the Resource. | Especially relevant if the resource is a vehicle. | |
Integer | 1 | The number of resources | ||
PropulsionType | 0..* | Engine of the means of transport. | Link | |
DateTime | 1 | Point in time for which the report is valid. | ||
MobilityService | 0..* | The MobilityService used within the ResourceReport | ||
ResourceStatus | 0..* | State of a Resource. | E.g. reserved, inactive, available. Determines whether a resource can be used. | Link |
ResourceType | 0..* | Nature of the Resource. |
- Description
- Possible, chosen or travelled route between two Locations (respectively the departure point and the arrival point).
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: arrivalPoint, arrivalTime, calculatedWith, consistsOf, costPrice, departurePoint, departureTime, routedescription, travelTime, type.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Location | 1 | Location where the Route ends. | ||
DateTime | 1 | Time at which the Route ends. | ||
RoutePlanner | 0..1 | Method of calculating the route. | ||
RouteSegment | 1..* | Sequence of Route Segments that make up the Route. | ||
MonetaryAmount | 0..1 | Cost price of the route. | E.g. the sum of the cost of the purchased Tickets. | |
Location | 1 | Location where the Route starts. | ||
DateTime | 1 | Time when the Route starts. | ||
RouteDescription | 0..1 | Description of the Route. | Inferred from other features of the Route, e.g. the route segments that make up the Route and their characteristics. | |
Duration | 1 | Time in which the Route is traveled. | Inferred from other features of the Route, e.g. the route segments that make up the Route and their characteristics. | |
RouteType | 1 | Nature of the Route | E.g. shortest, fastest |
- Description
- Significant position in the Route that always coincides with the beginning or the end of a Route segment.
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: geometry, realisedBy, realisedWith, transfer, type.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Point | 1 | Location of the Route node. | ||
MobilityService | 0..1 | Mobility service used by the Traveller in the Route node. | E.g. parking. | |
Resource | 0..1 | Resource of the Mobility Service that the traveller has used in the Route node. | E.g. parking space. | |
RouteNode | 0..1 | Route node to which it will be switched. | ||
TransportNodeType | 0..1 | Nature of the Route node |
- Description
- Software that can calculate the Route of a Trip.
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: title.
- Description
- Part of a Route that is travelled without a transfer using the same means of transport.
- Subclass of
- Route
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: arrivalNode, departureNode, link, meansOfTransport, propulsion, realisedBy, realisedWith.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
RouteNode | 1 | Node where the route segment ends. | ||
RouteNode | 1 | Node where the Route Segment starts. | ||
DirectedLink | 1..* | Sequence of Directed Links that make up the Route Segment. | ||
MeansOfTransport | 1 | Type of means of transport the route segment was covered with. | ||
PropulsionType | 0..1 | Propulsion of the means of transport by which the route segment was covered. | Link | |
MobilityService | 0..1 | Mobility Service which the Traveller has used in travelling the Route Segment. | ||
Resource | 0..1 | Resource of the Mobility Service used by the Traveller when travelling the Route Segment. |
- Description
- A system that provides one or more functions.
- Usage
- A full description can be found in OSLO Service
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- An abstract type describing a place
- Usage
- A full description can be found in OSLO Mobility - Timetable and Planning - Stopplaces.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- A stopping point represents a station, stop, port, airport or any other physical access point to the transport network.
- Subclass of
- InfrastructureElement, Site
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: accessibility, accessModes, centroid, containing, parentSite, placeType, polygon, publicCode, roadAdress, stopPlaceType, transportMode.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Accessibility | 0..* | The overall accessibility characteristics of the stopping point. | ||
AccessMode | 0..* | Access modes by which the stopping point can be accessed. | ||
Point | 0..1 | Centre of the stopping point. | ||
Quay | 0..* | The platform as part of the stopping point. | ||
Site | 0..1 | Parent site containing this stop. | ||
PlaceType | 0..1 | Categorisation of the stopping point. | ||
Polygon | 0..1 | Polygon associated with the stopping point. | ||
LanguageString | 0..1 | Code used to identify a stopping point to the public as an alternative to a name. | ||
AddressRepresentation | 0..1 | Address of a numbered building on a named road. | ||
StoppingPlaceType | 1 | The type of stopping point | ||
TransportMode | 0..1 | The main transport mode of the stopping point. |
- Description
- A stop post indicates the location where public transport, e.g. bus, tram or trolley, stops to allow passengers to board or alight.
- Usage
- Towards GRB skeletonisation detail - WPI1102 road signage public transport
- Subclass of
- InfrastructureElement
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Street furniture is a diverse group of objects that generally stand in public space (both corridor and surplus area)
- Usage
- A full description can be found in OSLO Public Domain - Infrastructure Elements.
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Logical connection between two Route nodes.
- Usage
- Means to describe the transition between two Route segments if not represented by a Route segment itself. One can interchange between two same Route nodes (e.g. changing from one train to another at the same station) or between two different ones (e.g. interchanging from the station car parking to the station platforms).
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: meansOfTransport, propulsion, realisedAt, RouteNode (source), RouteNode (target), transferTime.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
MeansOfTransport | 0..1 | Means of transport by which the Transfer is made. | Usually on foot. | |
PropulsionType | 0..1 | Propulsion of the means of transport by which the Transfer is made. | Link | |
TransportConnection | 0..1 | Transport object with which the Route connection coincides. | E.g. the stop where one changes between two metro lines, the address where one changes between two modes of transport. | |
RouteNode (source)
RouteNode | 1 | Referentie naar verbonden klasse. | ||
RouteNode (target)
RouteNode | 1 | Referentie naar verbonden klasse. | ||
Duration | 0..1 | Time in which the changeover takes place. |
- Description
- Logical connection between two or more Transport objects in different Transport Networks.
- Subclass of
- TransportObject
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: connects, identifier, type.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
TransportObject | 2..* | Network elements connected by the Connection. | ||
Identifier | 0..1 | Identifier of the Transport connection | ||
ConnectionType | 1 | Nature of the Transport connection |
- Description
- Place where passengers and/or freight are exchanged between vehicles and/or modes of transport.
- Usage
- Examples for passenger transport are train stations, underground stations, bus stations, airports, ferry terminals, car parks... For freight transport it concerns typically airports, seaports, transhipment terminals. Transport hubs are typically intermodal, e.g. travellers combine the (shared) bicycle with the train for their trip, but intramodal transfers (e.g. from one bus line to another) are also important. Concretely, a Transport hub includes infrastructure (stations, car parks, charging infrastructure... ), (mobility) services (public transport lines, shared bicycles, shops... ) and nodes in transport networks (public transport stops, car sharing points... ).
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: accessibility, additionalService, brand, classification, infrastructureElement, location, roadAuthority, service, status, title, transportObject.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Accessibility | 0..* | The accessibility of the Passenger Transport Hub. | ||
AdditionalService | 0..* | The additional services connected to the Passenger Transport Hub. | ||
BrandType | 1 | The brand of the Passenger Transport Hub. | Example: Hoppinpoint, Mobipoint,... | |
PassengerTransportHubType | 0..* | The classification of the Passenger Transport Hub. | ||
InfrastructureElement | 0..* | The infrastructure element of the Passenger Transport Hub. | ||
Location | 0..* | The location of the Passenger Transport Hub. | ||
Agent | 0..* | The road authority of the Passenger Transport Hub. | ||
MobilityService | 0..* | The mobility services connected to the Passenger Transport Hub. | ||
PassengerTransportHubStatus | 0..1 | The status of the Passenger Transport Hub. | ||
LanguageString | 0..* | The name of the Passenger Transport Hub. | ||
TransportObject | 0..* | The transport object of the Passenger Transport Hub. |
- Description
- Collection of Network elements representing the same mode of transport.
- Usage
- The transport mode is at least road, rail, air and water. Further subdivision into Transport Networks according to means of transport, drive type, service type is possible.
- Subclass of
- Network
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: geographicalName, type.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
GeographicalName | 1 | Name of the Transport network. | ||
TransportType | 1 | Nature of the transport network according to the mode of transport. |
- Description
- Significant position in the Transport Network that always coincides with the beginning or the end of a Transport Link.
- Subclass of
- TransportObject, Node
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: geometry, identifier, type.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Point | 1 | Location of the Transport node. | ||
Identifier | 0..1 | Identifier of the Transport node. | ||
TransportNodeType | 1 | Nature of the Transport Node |
- Description
- Element in a Transport network that performs a function of importance therein.
- Subclass of
- NetworkElement
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: accessibility, availability, geographicalName, infrastructureElement, service, service, transportHub, transportNetwork.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Accessibility | 0..* | Accessibility of the Transport object. | E.g. whether the Transport object is accessible for persons with a disability. | |
Availability | 0..1 | Availability of the Transport object. | E.g. opening hours | |
GeographicalName | 0..1 | Name of the Transport object. | ||
InfrastructureElement | 0..* | The infrastructure elements connected to the transport object. | ||
AdditionalService | 0..* | The additional services associated with the transport object | ||
MobilityService | 0..* | The mobility services connected to the transport object. | ||
TransportHub | 0..* | The transport hubs to which this transport object belongs. | ||
TransportNetwork | 0..* | Transport network to which the transport object belongs. |
- Description
- Clusters of municipalities in which mobility is coordinated.
- Subclass of
- Place
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: geometry, locationName.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Geometry | 0..1 | Geometry of the place or area. | ||
GeographicalName | 0..1 | Name of the town or area. |
- Description
- Person who undertakes or wants to undertake a Trip.
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: isFellowTravelerOf, pseudonym, undertakes.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Traveler | 0..* | Traveller who accompanies the Traveller on the Journey. | E.g. the children of a family travelling together. Important e.g. when determining the price of a Ticket when young children travel free of charge. | |
Pseudonym | 1 | Name of the Traveler which differs from his actual name. | The aim is that the real identity of the Traveller can no longer be traced but that trip data can still be studied on an individual level. | |
Trip | 0..* | Trip that a Traveller undertakes or wants to undertake. |
- Description
- Voluntary movement of a Person from one Location to another Location.
- Usage
- The trip may take place via other Locations. The Location where the trip starts can be the same as where the trip ends (e.g. round trip).
- Properties
- For this entity the following properties are defined: arrivalTime, chosenRoute, departureTime, executedRoute, itinerary, partOfTrip, possibleRoute.
Property | Expected Range | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
DateTime | 0..1 | Sequence of Locations to be visited during the Trip. | Usually only a departure or arrival time is specified | |
Route | 0..* | Route which the Passenger chooses from the possible Routes. | Possibly more than 1 selected Route if the traveller changes Route on the way. | |
DateTime | 0..1 | Time at which the Trip ends or at which the Passenger would like it to end. | Usually only a departure or arrival time is given. | |
Route | 0..1 | Route finally implemented to realise the Trip. | Actual time of arrival and departure, duration of journey, etc. | |
Location | 2..* | Sequence of Locations to be visited during the Trip. | Including the Location where the Journey starts and ends. | |
Trip | 0..* | Part of a complete Trip that can also be considered a Trip in itself. | ||
Route | 0..* | Routes that can be followed to perform the Trip. |
- Description
- Parking garage that is located below the ground surface.
- Subclass of
- ParkingFacility
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
- Description
- Transport node that is dynamically created.
- Usage
- The place where a Trip is started usually does not coincide with an existing Transport node, for example it is the home of the Traveller located between two intersections. To still enter the network to start his Trip, the Traveller creates a Virtual Node on the link between these intersections. Virtual Nodes are important for a correct estimation of the travel time e.g. for route planning because the distance between the Virtual Node and the next real Transport Node must be added. Also important for example in free-floating partial transport where the position of the partial step does not necessarily coincide with that of an existing Transport Node.
- Subclass of
- TransportNode
- Properties
- No properties have been defined for this entity.
Property | Expects Type | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
AccessibilityComponent | 0..1 | Part of the service or infrastructure to which Accessibility relates. | ||
AccessibilityLevel | 1 | Level of accessibility. | Link | |
AccessibilityType | 1 | Nature of the accessibility |
- Description
- More readable representation with only the basic data of the address, intended to use an address as attribute of another object.
- Properties
- we have defined the following properties for this datatype: boxNumber, country, houseNumber, municipalityName, postCode, streetName.
Property | Expects Type | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
String | 0..1 | Officially assigned alphanumeric code added to the house number to distinguish several building units, standing places, moorings or parcels sharing the same house number. | ||
LanguageString | 0..1 | Country where the address is located in. | ||
String | 0..1 | Alphanumeric code officially assigned to building units, moorings, standing places or parcels. | ||
LanguageString | 0..1 | Municipality name of the address. | ||
String | 0..1 | Code designating the geographical area that groups addresses for postal purposes. | ||
LanguageString | 0..1 | Street name of the address. |
- Description
- Degree to which something is available for use.
- Usage
- E.g. hours when a service is offered or opening hours of a building.
- Properties
- we have defined the following properties for this datatype: openingHours, period, timetable, user.
Property | Expects Type | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
TypedString | 0..1 | Hours on which something is available | Syntax according to for opening hours. E.g. if contact can be made between 8 and 20h Monday to Saturday and between 8 and 18h on Sunday this is coded as Mon-Sat 08:00-20:00, Sun 08:00-18:00. | |
OpeningHours | 0..1 | Period in which something is available. | E.g. start date without end date for services that are still active or an indication of the season in which the services are offered. A completed end date indicates when the service was terminated. Start and end date according to ISO8601 syntax. | |
Timetable | 0..1 | Schedule of times when something is offered. | ||
UserType | 0..1 | Type of user to which the availability applies. |
- Description
- Capacity of a civil structure.
- Properties
- we have defined the following properties for this datatype: maximum, total, vehicleType.
Property | Expects Type | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
Integer | 0..1 | Indicates the maximal value of the capacity. | ||
Integer | 0..1 | Indicates the capacity of a resource. | ||
VehicleType | 0..1 | Displays the vehicle types to which the capacity is linked. |
- Description
- Information like email, telephone, address that makes it possible to contact someone or something.
- Usage
- E.g. a person or organisation or a service... Possible forms of contact: calling, e-mailing etc. More detailed description in the AP OSLO-Generic.
- Properties
- There are no properties defined for this datatype.
- Description
- Link in either its positive or negative direction.
- Properties
- we have defined the following properties for this datatype: direction.
- Description
- Name assigned to or used for a geographical object.
- Usage
- To be implemented as Langstring.
- Properties
- There are no properties defined for this datatype.
Property | Expects Type | Cardinality | Description | Usage | Codelist |
TypedString | 0..1 | Geometry expressed in gml-format. | Use as datatype. | |
TypedString | 0..1 | Geometry expressed in wkt-format. | Use as datatype. |
- Description
- Information used to uniquely identify an object.
- Usage
- The starting point here is that this string is allocated by an organisation and that this is done according to a well-defined system. More detailed description in the AP OSLO-Generic.
- Properties
- There are no properties defined for this datatype.
- Description
- Combination of a string and the language its contents are in.
- Usage
- E.g. 'Rue Mercator' as a string and 'fr' as a language. Implementable as Langstring.
- Properties
- There are no properties defined for this datatype.
- Description
- A location can be an identifiable geographical location (ISO 19112), but this location can also be a non-geographical location, such as a directory, row or column. As such, there are numerous ways in which location can be expressed, such as d
- Usage
- To be used if the way in which the geographical position is indicated will only be determined during implementation. If this method is already known, Geometry, GeographicalName, Address etc. should be used immediately.
- Properties
- There are no properties defined for this datatype.
- Description
- A monetary value or range.
- Properties
- There are no properties defined for this datatype.
- Description
- The hours at which a service or contact is available.
- Properties
- There are no properties defined for this datatype.
- Description
- A 0-dimensional geometric object that represents a particular location in a coordinate space. Has an x-coordinate and a y-coordinate. Can also have a z-coordinate (height) and an m-coordinate (distance along a curve).
- Subclass of
- Geometry
- Properties
- There are no properties defined for this datatype.
- Description
- Surface consisting of 1 outer boundary and 0 or more inner boundaries. Each internal boundary forms a hole in the polygon.
- Usage
- The boundaries are so-called linear rings, i.e. they are closed (not even intersecting) line strings. The outer boundary is distinguished from the inner boundary by the clockwise and counterclockwise directions in which the ring runs, respectively.
- Subclass of
- Geometry
- Properties
- There are no properties defined for this datatype.
- Description
- Description of a route.
- Usage
- Typically the description as it would be shown in a Route Planner.
- Properties
- There are no properties defined for this datatype.
- Description
- Planning in time and space of a service.
- Properties
- There are no properties defined for this datatype.
JSON-LD context
(non-normative)A reusable JSON-LD context definition for this application profile is retrievable at: /doc/applicationprofile/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs/kandidaatstandaard/2022-07-11/context/OSLO-PassengerTransportHubs-AP_en.jsonld
SHACL template
(non-normative)A reusable SHACL template for this application profile is retrievable at: /doc/applicationprofile/mobility/passenger-transport-hubs/kandidaatstandaard/2022-07-11/shacl/OSLO-PassengerTransportHubs-AP_en-SHACL.ttl